This is the first time that I have ever listened to a Podcast, once again this class has opened a window that I had never considered!
So one that I found that I thought would be good for my upcoming placement was "Today in Canadian History"- which is exactly as it sounds! I'll be teaching grade 6 so it would work out well as a side note for lessons on Canada. There are a lot more out there other than just this one that would also work well for current events in the classroom.
Since I hadn't really ever considered Podcasts to begin with, I also had never considered them in the classroom. I was coming up short for ideas so I cheated a bit with this one and googled ways that they can be useful and found a ton! These were a few of my favorites that I found...
Explaining/Teaching: If we are teaching a new method to math problems or explaining other types of ideas, we can record ourselves so that students can access the instructions later as well. This would work well for students that don't understand and want to try again at home, but also for students who are absent that day. It could be posted to your class website so it is accessible anywhere the student needs it to be!
Interviews: I can remember doing interviews as a student and recording all of the information on paper, but why not do it as a podcast now? It would be a good way to know that the student took a professional approach to the interview and didn't just hand someone a list of questions to answer.
Stories: There are lots of books that have accompanying audio, but why not make your own to any book you like for your students? This would be good in earlier years when students are first learning to read. They can put on a set of headphones, listen and follow along with the book in front of them. (You could get fun with this too and get a few people to read different characters in the books). This might also be a good activity for older students to do- let them get a few ready for their young reading buddies!
Once again, a tool that I would never have considered before this course! Thanks for the ideas Mike!
Thursday, 28 February 2013
This tech task is up there with my favourites now that I've finished it! I have seen these infographics lots before, I have just never considered them for my classroom! (Partially because I didn't think it was something that could be done so easily!)
I think these most definitely have a place in the classroom, it is just one more option for students to present their work that they have done. I think it would be a perfect accompaniment to an oral presentation, highlighting key points while the students expand on their topic.
I found a couple of sites that were free to use to make these, but Piktochart was my favorite. (And by favorite I mean user friendly... other sites had fun templates but no amount of screaming at my computer worked to insert my own information..which is odd.. normally my computer responds well to outbursts like that....)
I used an article written by Simona Siad for my infographic that used statistics taken from Statistics Canada to show how stressed out our teenagers are these days. The article was written for in May of 2007. I thought it was applicable information that we should be keeping in mind as we move into the classroom, especially those of us that might teach high school. I think we need to be remembering that these students are a lot like us, trying to balance school, work and a social life. I think that, especially during these last few weeks of class, we can all relate!

I look forward to using this tool in both my student teaching placement and in the future with my own classroom!
I think these most definitely have a place in the classroom, it is just one more option for students to present their work that they have done. I think it would be a perfect accompaniment to an oral presentation, highlighting key points while the students expand on their topic.
I found a couple of sites that were free to use to make these, but Piktochart was my favorite. (And by favorite I mean user friendly... other sites had fun templates but no amount of screaming at my computer worked to insert my own information..which is odd.. normally my computer responds well to outbursts like that....)
I used an article written by Simona Siad for my infographic that used statistics taken from Statistics Canada to show how stressed out our teenagers are these days. The article was written for in May of 2007. I thought it was applicable information that we should be keeping in mind as we move into the classroom, especially those of us that might teach high school. I think we need to be remembering that these students are a lot like us, trying to balance school, work and a social life. I think that, especially during these last few weeks of class, we can all relate!
I look forward to using this tool in both my student teaching placement and in the future with my own classroom!
Digital Footprint
Well I'm happy to say that when I "google" myself- nothing horrifying pops up for anyone to see! I think the first thing that comes up when you get to the actual "me" is my old Hi5 account which hasn't been used in years. This does bring up the important point that everyone has been making though about the importance of always keeping your digital footprint in mind. I know that I didn't have a career in education in mind when I had that account, yet it is still searchable today. I think this is an important thing to teach our students- hopefully they can understand the importance of their digital footprint. I do think this will be hard to do, young kids especially but also teenagers might not be able to put it in perspective at a young age. (Or be able to consider the fact that actions that they take today can have an effect on their lives years down the road).
Our digital footprints, to me, are the scariest aspect of technology. It is a fun tool that is so often incredibly useful, yet one wrong move and it can be the end of a career or one of many other consequences. There have often been times that I have felt frustrated and considered deleting certain accounts, such as Facebook, but I almost wonder if that would be worse. At least right now I know that I am (hopefully) being tagged in any post about me or picture of me. Without an account I would have no idea what pictures, posts or other information was being posted online without my consent. So I figure it is better to keep the accounts!
I do think that I need to work on more of a digital footprint for myself that reflects my future as a teacher. I would like a principal to be able to google me and find information that reflects my knowledge in the field of education. For this reason I am excited that we were able to take this course a year early, I now have some more tools that I can use for my digital footprint. I'm definitely leaving this class with a lot of good food for thought- and lots to work on over the next year!
Our digital footprints, to me, are the scariest aspect of technology. It is a fun tool that is so often incredibly useful, yet one wrong move and it can be the end of a career or one of many other consequences. There have often been times that I have felt frustrated and considered deleting certain accounts, such as Facebook, but I almost wonder if that would be worse. At least right now I know that I am (hopefully) being tagged in any post about me or picture of me. Without an account I would have no idea what pictures, posts or other information was being posted online without my consent. So I figure it is better to keep the accounts!
I do think that I need to work on more of a digital footprint for myself that reflects my future as a teacher. I would like a principal to be able to google me and find information that reflects my knowledge in the field of education. For this reason I am excited that we were able to take this course a year early, I now have some more tools that I can use for my digital footprint. I'm definitely leaving this class with a lot of good food for thought- and lots to work on over the next year!
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Video in the Classroom
During my student teaching placements I came across a few
YouTube videos that quickly became my favorites! I was teaching in a grade ½
classroom so one thing that came to my attention quite often was their need for
a little movement break! I think that this is only one of many good reasons
that we can use video in the classroom, but definitely one of the ways I used
YouTube the most often in my first placement!
(I will warn you now that this song tended to stick in my
head for hours after playing it- so listen at your own risk!)
The second video that I wanted to share was also used in my first placement but
for a different purpose. I think we can all think back to rhymes that help us
to remember certain things, whether it be for math tricks or spelling rules. I
thought this video was pretty cute and helped the students when they were
trying to learn how to add doubles as a math strategy.
I think that video in the classroom is extremely useful for
many different reasons depending on the age of your students and the class that
you’re teaching. It can be used as an activating strategy, a complimentary
video to a lesson you are teaching, movement breaks, catchy songs to help kids
learn, and so much more! Another way that I used video every day in my
placement was to read my students a book at the end of the day. (I know it sounds
like I am being lazy- but I would read to them myself in the mornings! The end
of the day book was my time to get their Zippy’s and anything else ready to go
home- it also served as a great reinforcing tool! The students knew that they
would get to listen to a longer book if they were quicker at cleaning up the
classroom, putting their chairs up, etc!)
(Many websites make you pay to use this site- this one is
through Perth & Union District Library so there is no charge…After all of
our talk on proper use and sharing online- I worry that maybe this is breaking
a rule?? Leave me a reply if you think I am crossing some lines!!)
I do think that as a teacher I would love to be able to
allow student or class made videos. I think there are many fun ways (like Kid
Snippets) that they could play around with video but there are also many other
reasons to bring it into the classroom. I think it is a very real world type of
skill for them to have- many YouTube videos are teaching something, whether it
is how to play guitar or how to bake a cake. Why not teach our kids how to
share knowledge that they might have with others? I think this is another one
of those areas that fall under the “let’s teach them properly” column. I think
it will happen regardless- why not teach them in our classroom?
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Some Fabulous Projects!
Today we went through and took turns sharing our I4Ed Projects, some great information was shared by our classmates! I made a few notes on what stood out with each group as every group had some bery good points!
Devices in the classroom- should we or should we not have them? Although there are arguments for both, there was an example given in the presentation that really stuck with me. The girls talked about the example of a red, green, yellow and (blue?) light when using devices in the classroom. Each color would have a corresponding rule in terms of device use- from no device at all to free use of devices. I think this was a great idea, keep devices in the classroom and use them when the time is appropriate but know when to draw the line.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - issues that we have when it comes to the internet and new technology that we have in our lives and classrooms. There are many arguments for both sides, but we decided as a group that we believed there would always be good, bad and ugly- but what we need to focus on is proper education and utilization. If we can teach our students the proper way to be using these tools- they can be amazing resources that help all of us succeed with education and many other areas of our lives.
"How Not to Steal" from cyber space. They talked about how easy it is these days to be stealing information and mentioned a point that is always worth coming back to, and that is to be vigilant in monitoring our students work. We need to be sure that we are teaching our students how to properly cite materials that include not only text, but music, pictures and anything else that we are using. With this project I appreciated their points on creative commons and copyright issues, I think it is important to understand the differences. Although it can sometimes be much more difficult to find pictures or other material that you prefer using proper copyright, our students need to understand the differences.
As far as filters go in our schools, I think that I agree that filtering should be more specific and not go overboard. I also agree that students can go home and search for anything they want, we might as well be teaching them how ot use these resources properly!
The last group took a different spin on things and made a video to present, loved it! (Sidenote- this is why we should let videos into our classroom- it was my favorite presentation!) This group did a GREAT job of pointing out the differences between bullying and cyber bullying- and I liked that near the end they pointed out that more bullying happens in every day life as opposed to online. I also like the point that the social media tends to exaggerate cyber bullying (although it is terrible, it can still be overplayed).
Great class, thanks for all of the presentations!
Devices in the classroom- should we or should we not have them? Although there are arguments for both, there was an example given in the presentation that really stuck with me. The girls talked about the example of a red, green, yellow and (blue?) light when using devices in the classroom. Each color would have a corresponding rule in terms of device use- from no device at all to free use of devices. I think this was a great idea, keep devices in the classroom and use them when the time is appropriate but know when to draw the line.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - issues that we have when it comes to the internet and new technology that we have in our lives and classrooms. There are many arguments for both sides, but we decided as a group that we believed there would always be good, bad and ugly- but what we need to focus on is proper education and utilization. If we can teach our students the proper way to be using these tools- they can be amazing resources that help all of us succeed with education and many other areas of our lives.
"How Not to Steal" from cyber space. They talked about how easy it is these days to be stealing information and mentioned a point that is always worth coming back to, and that is to be vigilant in monitoring our students work. We need to be sure that we are teaching our students how to properly cite materials that include not only text, but music, pictures and anything else that we are using. With this project I appreciated their points on creative commons and copyright issues, I think it is important to understand the differences. Although it can sometimes be much more difficult to find pictures or other material that you prefer using proper copyright, our students need to understand the differences.
As far as filters go in our schools, I think that I agree that filtering should be more specific and not go overboard. I also agree that students can go home and search for anything they want, we might as well be teaching them how ot use these resources properly!
The last group took a different spin on things and made a video to present, loved it! (Sidenote- this is why we should let videos into our classroom- it was my favorite presentation!) This group did a GREAT job of pointing out the differences between bullying and cyber bullying- and I liked that near the end they pointed out that more bullying happens in every day life as opposed to online. I also like the point that the social media tends to exaggerate cyber bullying (although it is terrible, it can still be overplayed).
Great class, thanks for all of the presentations!
Monday, 25 February 2013
Show & Tell!
I have started bookmarking all of my favorite educational resources, so for this blog I managed to narrow it down to a few of my favorites!
I think that some of you have probably heard of this website before, but what I found interesting is that there are actually 5 of these useful sites for us to use! BrainPop and BrainPop Jr both cover tons of curriculum material, complete with activating videos all the way through to assessment resources for each topic. There is also BrainPopEspanol which (I bet you guessed it) is a spanish site for kids to use that covers the same lessons. BrainPopESL is another one for english as additional learners, and as with most computer activities I think it can really help get these students engaged! Gameup is the last link, which is an educational games portal for your classroom. This sort of thing would be perfect for free time activities that keep students learning!
This one is an obvious, but I think it's always nice to have a few of these sites in your back pocket! Super Teacher Worksheets is just that, worksheets for all of your subjects including math, reading, writing, phonics, grammer and much more! I know we can easily create our own as well, but I think it's true what they say- work smarter, not harder!
My last one is similar to SmartExchange that I am sure we are all familiar with! This site has a ton of interactive lessons and activities to do with your class, all sorted by subject. Harvey's Homepage is great for complimenting lessons with interactive smartboard activities, especially when you need something quick! This would be great for students who finish ahead of time (maybe without you expecting it) as well!
This is one blog that I feel like I could go on and on about since there is so much out there for us to use, but I will stop here for now!
(PS. All of the underlined websites are hyperlinked for easy access!)
I think that some of you have probably heard of this website before, but what I found interesting is that there are actually 5 of these useful sites for us to use! BrainPop and BrainPop Jr both cover tons of curriculum material, complete with activating videos all the way through to assessment resources for each topic. There is also BrainPopEspanol which (I bet you guessed it) is a spanish site for kids to use that covers the same lessons. BrainPopESL is another one for english as additional learners, and as with most computer activities I think it can really help get these students engaged! Gameup is the last link, which is an educational games portal for your classroom. This sort of thing would be perfect for free time activities that keep students learning!
Super Teacher Worksheets
Harvey's Homepage
My last one is similar to SmartExchange that I am sure we are all familiar with! This site has a ton of interactive lessons and activities to do with your class, all sorted by subject. Harvey's Homepage is great for complimenting lessons with interactive smartboard activities, especially when you need something quick! This would be great for students who finish ahead of time (maybe without you expecting it) as well!
This is one blog that I feel like I could go on and on about since there is so much out there for us to use, but I will stop here for now!
(PS. All of the underlined websites are hyperlinked for easy access!)
Web Based Courses
Last Thursday we had the pleasure of two guest speakers from Manitoba Education, Donald Girouard & Sophia Palahicky. Donald and Sophia came into our class to talk to us about Web Based Courses- giving us a great heads up on what will likely be much move popular as we move through our careers.
In my Bachelor of Arts Degree I took several classes online, partially for timing reasons but also because I had more choice online than I did with BU alone. As an adult I appreciated having the extra choices and the chance to take the class quicker than I would have been able to otherwise, so I feel like I am biased toward Web Based Courses. I think that a student will succeed a lot further in a class that they are interested in so giving them the extra choice is a fantastic idea.
I hadn't really thought about it at the beginning of the presentation, but Web Based learning can also be a great resource for us as teachers as well! I look forward to being able to connect with and learn from other teachers in my area and to not be restricted by distance thanks to this tool.
Devon Caldwell: Kindergarten Diva & Edublogger!
I had the privilege of attending Devon's PD a few months ago, so when one of my tasks was to follow an edublogger I knew exactly who it would be!
Devon has only been teaching since 2008, but has accomplished amazing things already in her career that I can only hope for in my own! She has been awarded the Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence in addition to other awards such as the FLBSD Early Years Teaching Excellence award. What caught my attention the quickest, however, was her most recent achievement of the Mindshare 21st Century Digital Classroom National Video Challenge for central Canada. She has taken full advantage of all of the ways that technology can be used in the classroom and has an incredibly useful blog to follow.
Although I learned a ton at her PD, I also learned from her blog. She includes a section on how to use technology for assessment which I found to be useful, giving examples such as Evernote. I had downloaded Evernote a while ago to start using it for just this, but somehow forgot about it with everything else that I have been trying to keep up with! Devon had a great point at her PD about this sort of thing though and I was reminded of it while glancing through her blog. She mentioned that while all of the new ways to use technology may seem overwhelming, what is sometimes important is just to know that they are there to explore for yourself when the time comes. I think this is a great piece of advice because trying to take everything in can be just that, overwhelming!
I have also been reminded while following Devon's blog that this job really can be as fun as you make it! I am really excited to try some of her ideas out in my next student teaching placement, and can only hope that my students are as excited as engaged as hers are!
Last but not least- this seems like a great time to give a big thanks to Devon and her Kindergarten class for their help with our group project! We look forward to presenting tomorrow with the help of our youngest group members!
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Clarence Fisher
Today we Skyped with Clarence Fisher, a grade 7 teacher from Snow Lake. He talked to us about the connected learner and of the importance of technology in the classroom. I appreciate him taking the time to talk to us about some of the technology in his classroom and how useful it can be. I agree with Clarence that we shouldn't always be taking away the resources that the kids are bringing with them to class. Rather we should be looking at ways that we can incorporate them into our lessons and activities throughout the day!
I liked the example that he gave us about his students working on projects and assignments together online at home. It is nice to hear about how kids can build their own learning communities and I agree with Clarence that it can really create global perspectives for the students. I'm happy that he brought this point up- it reminded me of a great PD that I went to last term. I heard Devon Caldwell talk a few months ago about some amazing things that she is doing with her Kindergarten class in Oak Lake. We actually Skyped in with the little guys and they told us about their friends in New York City that they got to talk to. They learned that they get around their city by using a subway- little 5 year olds talking about transportation in a city that most wouldn't even know exist yet?? (Ok maybe that's an exaggeration, but you get my point!) I know that when I was in Kindergarten my world existed of a town of 1200 people and the "big city" of Brandon that mom and dad would bring us treats from after a shopping trip! It's just amazing to think of how far we've come.
I also agree with Clarence that we need to think of how we can reach out to the kids in our classrooms and one avenue that we need to take is definitely with technology. I think it's important that we connect with them in all of the different ways that we can and using technology that excites them is a big one.
Thanks for taking the time to chat with us today Clarence!
I liked the example that he gave us about his students working on projects and assignments together online at home. It is nice to hear about how kids can build their own learning communities and I agree with Clarence that it can really create global perspectives for the students. I'm happy that he brought this point up- it reminded me of a great PD that I went to last term. I heard Devon Caldwell talk a few months ago about some amazing things that she is doing with her Kindergarten class in Oak Lake. We actually Skyped in with the little guys and they told us about their friends in New York City that they got to talk to. They learned that they get around their city by using a subway- little 5 year olds talking about transportation in a city that most wouldn't even know exist yet?? (Ok maybe that's an exaggeration, but you get my point!) I know that when I was in Kindergarten my world existed of a town of 1200 people and the "big city" of Brandon that mom and dad would bring us treats from after a shopping trip! It's just amazing to think of how far we've come.
I also agree with Clarence that we need to think of how we can reach out to the kids in our classrooms and one avenue that we need to take is definitely with technology. I think it's important that we connect with them in all of the different ways that we can and using technology that excites them is a big one.
Thanks for taking the time to chat with us today Clarence!
21st Century Connected Student
Alright here's my connected network- it's actually a lot bigger than I thought it would be! I am sure I am missing some too, I definitely didn't realize that I was connected with this many until I started getting them down on paper!
Once again- I'm sure I'm not thinking of everything that I could be with the 21st Century Learner but it's easy to see that there are plenty of options for them! I think it's nice that there are so many avenues a student can take to research a topic of interest to them. I think it's important to note once again how important it is to educate our students on the proper ways to utilize today's technology. Looking at this map also reminds me that our students can find out anything that they want to with the click of a button- it's a scary thought but they don't need our help to learn about any topic. With this in mind I want to be sure that I am helping my future students realize their passions and that I am also teaching them how they can make the most out of these interests.
Well I'm happy to say that I finally came across something in ICT class that I had a hot clue how to use-Twitter! I do appreciate everything that I am being introduced to in class, it just feels a touch overwhelming sometimes! But I'm getting there :)
With Twitter I'm on the fence. I prefer Twitter to Facebook on a personal level, I would much prefer to cruise through and read everyone's tweets because they seem to at least have a purpose to them. Although lots of times that purpose is only to make people laugh, it's still entertaining!
I started following some fellow educators and although I do feel like it is a good way to connect, I'm not sure how much I like it for education. I saw a few tweets looking for help with unit plans and I can see how that is useful, but it's just not something that I see myself using for education. I would prefer using Pinterest or smart to find lesson or unit ideas.
I think part of my reasoning too is that I am fully aware by this point that I need to be conscious of my digital footprint. I know there is nothing inappropriate about me online, and I hope this doesn't sound to anyone like I am not going to be a dedicated teacher, but I just want some online resources to just be for me personally, for fun! Twitter is somewhere that I read all of my friends silly one liners that make me laugh, but now I'm paranoid to have anything connected to me that isn't educational. I look forward to sharing and creating tons of educational stuff online, I just wish I could have a bit of separation sometimes from my personal life.
So that sounded a lot more negative in the end then I meant it to, I didn't mean to come off sounding like Debbie Downer! I do think there are amazing things that we can do online and we have so much more with technology as far as resources go than we could ask for. I feel lucky and look forward to utilizing as many of these as I can in the future!
With Twitter I'm on the fence. I prefer Twitter to Facebook on a personal level, I would much prefer to cruise through and read everyone's tweets because they seem to at least have a purpose to them. Although lots of times that purpose is only to make people laugh, it's still entertaining!
I started following some fellow educators and although I do feel like it is a good way to connect, I'm not sure how much I like it for education. I saw a few tweets looking for help with unit plans and I can see how that is useful, but it's just not something that I see myself using for education. I would prefer using Pinterest or smart to find lesson or unit ideas.
I think part of my reasoning too is that I am fully aware by this point that I need to be conscious of my digital footprint. I know there is nothing inappropriate about me online, and I hope this doesn't sound to anyone like I am not going to be a dedicated teacher, but I just want some online resources to just be for me personally, for fun! Twitter is somewhere that I read all of my friends silly one liners that make me laugh, but now I'm paranoid to have anything connected to me that isn't educational. I look forward to sharing and creating tons of educational stuff online, I just wish I could have a bit of separation sometimes from my personal life.
So that sounded a lot more negative in the end then I meant it to, I didn't mean to come off sounding like Debbie Downer! I do think there are amazing things that we can do online and we have so much more with technology as far as resources go than we could ask for. I feel lucky and look forward to utilizing as many of these as I can in the future!
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